====== Call History and Recordings ====== The cloud PBX will help your team control sales calls. Call history (call details) is one of the most important sections of the cloud PBX where all calls made by your employees are displayed. {{::call-history-tab.png?nolink|}} Our call history captures all incoming and outgoing calls, whether from mobile phones, SIP phones, softphones, or internal calls between employees. So you can: * Filter calls by any period, clients, employees, or call types. * View basic statistical data based on the applied filters. * Access calls for the entire company or exclusively for your own. * Listen to call recordings and download them to your computer. * Print call details for reference. * Export call history to Excel for generating customized reports. ==== Employee Reports ===== You can view the call history of an employee for a selected period. Listen to all successful calls and sort missed ones. {{:john-calls.png?nolink_800}} ==== Client Reports ==== Click a client number and view all their calls with your employees for the past period. {{:history-client-number.png?nolink_800}} ==== Export Сall History to Excel ==== Export the call history to Excel and get the required reports. {{:excel-reports.png?nolink}} ==== Download Recordings via FTP ==== You can download call recording files for extended storage purposes, as they are retained on the server for one year from their creation. Besides, you can easily integrate such recordings into CRM and other systems. You can use any FTP client for downloading. It's better to: * Enable passive mode for file transfer. * Increase the server response timeout to the maximum or disable it. Any user with the **Administrator** status can download the files. Access parameters: * Server address: ftp://records.secure.cloud-pbx.io. * Login: your account login with the Administrator status owen@company.cloud-pbx.io. * Password: your password. * Port: 21. The files are located in **Recordings** and organized in subdirectories based on the date in the format YYYY-MM-DD: {{::ftp-call-recordings.png?nolink|}} Inside the folders, the recording files have names following the **owen_in_705_2022_10_10-12_49_26.mp3** pattern: * **owen** — the name of the employee who handled the call. * **in** — the call type (out for outgoing, in for incoming). * **705** — the client's or colleague's phone number. * **2022_10_10-12_49_26** — the date and time. {{::ftp-call-names-formats.png?nolink|}}